I see the people taking all there belongings and walking towards the horizon, running from what is inevitable. There faces with sadness and despair as they all take one look back as I am still there all alone waiting for the plague to pass.
I smell the fear of all that run from what cannot be ran from. I smell the darkness that will come for them and there families. What I smell cannot be good
I hear the winds brushing against the plains of grass. I hear the screams of the towns people that ran from the plague.
I taste the dryness of a desert in my mouth There was nothing to eat and drink for ages, yet I am still alive. I taste the sip of revenge for all that left me.
I feel the sadness of all that left. I also feel the anger and chaos that had happened during the crisis. I feel what most people can't because there is always someone there for them. I feel alone.
I would like to create a power point because I think that i could do pretty good with all the designing stuff.

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