Monday, October 29, 2012

Abandoned Theme Park

I think I could take good photo with my camera at the amusement park called  Nara Dream Land, Nara, Japan. I chose this theme park because I think that there are really good places I could take photos from.  Another reason that i chose this theme park is because it looks like there was a lot of hope, but now it was all gone. Lastly I chose this because there seems to be places i could go to take unusual photos.

1. desert
2. sewer
3. the ring of fire
4. high in the sky
5. under water

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Funny Captions- The Right Way

Gerald & Tom are at the California beach because Tom is very hungry for some sun. Tom is not from earth, he is from outer space and can only survive by eating the sun.
Some anonymous man left half of his car on the road and plans to sell it for half price. The anonymous man had left his car on half of the railroad and got it ran over by the train.
Tommy in the car is begin pulled by his horse and uses it as a motor. Something Tommy doesn't know is that the horse will take his revenge and use him as a motor one day.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Great Black & White Photographers Part 3

Something that caught my eyes while looking through his photos were that the way he took one of his photos.

I see the people taking all there belongings and walking towards the horizon, running from what is inevitable. There faces with sadness and despair as they all take one look back as I am still there all alone waiting for the plague to pass.

I smell  the fear of all that run from what cannot be ran from. I smell the darkness that will come for them and there families. What I smell cannot be good

I hear the winds brushing against the plains of grass. I hear the screams of  the towns people that ran from the plague.

I taste the dryness of a desert in my mouth  There was nothing to eat and drink for ages, yet  I am still alive. I taste the sip of revenge for all that left me.

I feel the sadness of all that left. I also feel the anger and chaos that had happened during the crisis. I feel what most people can't because there is always someone there for them. I feel alone.

I would like to create a power point because I think that i could do pretty good with all the designing stuff.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Academic Shoot Reflection

Something that i encounter while i was out taking photo was that i didn't know how to take the photo.

Something that i had been thinking about the most while taking photos were how to take a photo of framing. One example that was when i was in the room where they cook food was how to take a photo where it fames a person.

I would take the photos more faster since i now know how to plan my time and i would think about how to take the photo first.

I would take some of the rules the same, and go to the same rooms.

I think the easiest rule to active would be lines, simplicity, and balance.

I think the hardest to capture would be avoiding merges because we would have to avoid merges.

I am clear on all the rules.

Academic Shoot-Post Your Photo

This picture is an example of simplicity because it focus on one person. I followed this rule pretty good because I focused my photo on one subject.
 This picture is an example of balance because each side of both girls are equal. I followed this rule well because there is one girl on each side and it makes the picture balanced.
This picture is an example of framing because the student in the middle is framed out y the body parts of the other students. I think that I did well in this photo because you can see how thel other students frame the student in the middle.

 This picture is an example of lines because it shows lines between the pieces of bacon. I did really good in this photo because you can see the line and part of the student.
 This picture is an example of rule of thirds. If you draw the lines you will see that the students on the intersection. I think this is good because you can see where this students is going instead of just see the person.
This picture is an example of avoiding merges because you can see how the person in the lower right had corner is getting cut off. I followed this rule better that i thought because i see how the other persons body is cut off to merge.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Africa & Mural Project Preview

My reaction to this power point is some what confused. I feel confused because I was expecting a bunch of photos of buildings.
This is my favorite photo out of all of them. I chose this photo because this photo shows some of the six rules of photography. It shows lines, balance, and another reason I chose this photo is because it was funny looking how the zebras face is in the others butt. I can see these rules because i can see the lines that are diagonal and there are two zebra which balances the photo.

a.     What kind of camera did he use?
He used the Pentex 67II with only two fix lenses
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?
He fell in live with nature and east african animals
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
To take pictures of animal before they die
d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
"You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."

1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
We could do the theme of is no bullying
2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
We should be able to use the cameras for this
3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?
In the Entrance and all over the halls

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Academic Shoot Preview

                                                                           The Story
In this photo it shows how the girl is concentrated and focused on reading. She is also probably studying for a test as well.

                                                                      Action & Emotion
In this photo you can see that there are two students that are having a great time in class, and love this teacher. You can also see that the students think that the teacher is nice.

                                                                     Filling the Frame

In this photo you can see how inside the frame there are people there burning something. it directs your eyes to the center of the photo.

1. Why did you pick this photo?
I chose this photo because the explosion in the middle caught my eye.2. What rules of photography are evident in the photo?
the rules of photography that apply are simplicity, and rule of thirds.

I think that i could go to math classes and english classes to take photos like the ones that i saw.
I would like to take photos in mr. mcleans and mrs. hayes.
I will follow the six main rules.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Post Shoot Reflection

1.) Some challenges that i encountered were that i could not find enough happy objects or people.
Another problem was that i could not take good pictures.
2.) I frustrated with getting good photos because i could seem to get to know what a good angel looks like.When i was taking a picture of a car i didn't know how o angle it.
3.) I would git better angels of my photos and i would think before i took the photos.
4.) I would look for objects that stood out to me.
5.) The composition rules for red, metal, and happy is that the red was simplicity, the metal was lines, because the lines were diagonal and they stood out. Finally the happy was balance because there had to be enough room on each side of the photo.
6.) Yes i would be interested in taking this prompt again.

Composition 9/11 Discusion

In the photo above you see that the fire man stands out rather than the other objects in the photo. This is an example of simplicity.

The photo above shows an example of the rule of thirds. I chose this photo because if you imagine the lines that go up and down and across the screen the explosion is in the intersection lines.

I chose this photo because it was a good example balance. The reason I chose this photo is because there is a nice balance on each side of the photo. Both of buildings are almost the same height.

In this photo if you start from the top, and make your way to the bottom, you will see that the diagonal lines are leading to the man that jumped off the building. Those lines give it a excited feeling.

In this photo you can see a group of people, and this is an example of frame. The group of people are framed by the newspaper and the window sill.

This photo is an example of avoiding merges. The people on the machine would be spraying water into nothing of the background wasn't there. This shows that the background is taking up oct of this photo.

Monday, October 1, 2012